Afternoon Tea with the Ceratonia Team

Come and join us for some afternoon tea on Sunday 8th April at Bir Mula, Bormla.

We'll have a selection of sandwiches, savouries and sweet treats, tea and coffee.

Price is €10.00 for adults and free for children up to 12 years. For bookings kindly contact us. Free "Figolla" for those who attend.

We look forward to seeing you there :)


Ejjew ingħaqdu magħna għal te u kejk nhar il-Ħadd 8 ta 'April f'Bir Mula, Bormla.

Se jkollna għażla ta ' ikel u ħelu kif ukoll tè u kafè.

Il-prezz huwa € 10.00 għall-adulti u b'xejn għat-tfal sa 12-il sena. Ikkuntattjana biex tibbukja. Figolla b'xejn għal dawk li jattendu.

